Westward Gundog Society
“To assist in the training of Gundogs and to promote Field Trials and Working Tests”
2023 Working Test Results
Novice & Open AV Retrievers held at Broad Down
by kind invitation of Sara Chichester.
Novice Judges: Steve Ashby, Jess Latham, Chris Stone, Karen Handley
1st Movenne Aspen (LRD) - Laurie Pittaway
2nd Bellesbank Shooting Star (LRB) - Emma Champion
3rd Binneybottom Moonchild at Grayspeed (LRB) - Sue Gray
CoM Tallygold Enchanter (GRD) - Mary Palk
Castlecopse Forget Me Knot (LRB) - Alex Brain
Studebaker Dacia (LRB) - Maureen Jennings
Best Novice Handler Laborite Kwuduma - Wendy Bardlsey
Open Judges: Steve Ashby, Jess Latham, Gris Stone, Mary Palk
1st Ashport Plum of Mowbarton (LRB) - Tor Pitcher
2nd Peterspond Wader (LRD) - Karen Handley
3rd Movenne Acorn at Peterspond (LRD) - Karen Handley
4th Binneybottom Bullfrog Blue at Grayspeed (LRD) - Robin Gray
CoM Skyflight Allthatjazz (LRB) - Jo Fergie
Best Golden Retriever Haraka Kat of Grayspeed - Robin Gray
Novice AV Working Spaniel Test held at Broad Down
by kind permission of Sara Chichester
Judges: Justin Lascelles, Dave Locke, Sally Jenkins
1st Aveegotun Derva of Woodabudge - Alice Wise
2nd Vysjkan Miguel - Brian Smith
3rd Woodabudge Ruby - Chris Roberts
4th Belleverwood Sunshine - Chris Roberts
CoM Bucklawren Bandanna - Alannah Speed (Best Novice Handler).
Novice & Open Working Tests for AV Retriever held at Clinton Estate
by kind permission of Clinton Devon Estates
Judges: Sally Jenkins, Sally Ashby, Matt Gould, Laurie Pittaway
Novice Results
1st Highdunscott Indigo (LRD) - David Heath
2nd Beggarbush Gaelic (LRD) - Ed Brown (Best Novice handler)
3rd Dairycott Hebe (GRB) - Andrew England
4th Witchambrook Thatohr (LRD) - Shane King
Open Results
1st Zennawood Pitch Perfect (LRD) - Jess Latham
2nd Llanaker’S Sandpiper at Treranch (LRD) - Keith Sandercock
3rd Haddeo Digby (GRD) - Judith Evans (Best Opposite Breed to Winner)
4th Lullaby Reggie (LRD) - Mr & Mrs Daly, handler John Daly